Technical Details | |
Algorithm: | Scrypt |
Block time: | ± 90 Seconds |
Max Coins: | 133,333,333,333 |
Difficulty re-target Time: | 12 hours (every 480 blocks) |
Every 100k blocks, the payout halves | |
Boss key |
Although you should know better than to download dubious software from dubious sites, here are the download links to the wallets.
More technical information about the daemon can be found here.
Gay fish need gay fish pools!
Sometimes when you're unhappy and lonely, and your wallet won't synchronize, know that you're not alone in BrokeBack Ocean. Add these nodes to your config file, to make your wallet connect to active nodes, and make it synchronize again.
The Coinye wallet is based on (an old version of) the LiteCoin wallet. Unfortunately you can't add nodes in the debug-window (yet), but you can add them to your coinyecoin.conf file. The format under config is what you need to paste (the extra info after # is just seen as comment/ignored).
On restart the client will try and connect to all nodes specified in the config and ask them for more nodes, so one working node should be enough to get you started. (See these instructions for more info.)
ip | port | city | country | client |
---|---|---|---|---| | 41338 | Toronto | CA | /Aquaman:2.2.0/ | | 41338 | Geldrop | NL | /Satoshi:0.6.4/ | | 41338 | Vienna | AT | /Aquaman:2.2.0/ |
2001:1ad0:1005:2::228 | 41338 | Zeewolde | NL | /Aquaman:2.2.0/ |
2a02:a460:944f:0:7851:94ff:fe64:5db3 | 39758 | Tauranga | NZ | /Satoshi_mn:0.6.4/ |
⎯⎯⎯ Currently active nodes
⎯⎯⎯ Nodes active last week
Coinye is a cryptocurrency like BitCoin. Technically, it's actually quite similar to Litecoin (one of Bitcoins first siblings), from which it was forked in early 2014. This was around the time when people just started to realize one could easily make a brand new cryptocurrency by cloning the (open source) software from another coin, tweaking a few parameters, slapping a name and logo on it, and last but not least... try to raise some attention for it.
Raising attention is what Coinye initially did. Being based on a South Park episode (Fishdicks - S13E05) in which rapper Kanye West (now "Ye") does not get a joke about [him] being a gay fish, Real-life-Kanye imitated Art-Kanye beautifully by not going along with the parody nature of the new cryptocurrency and sending in his lawyers.
The Original Developers disappeared into obscurity. It's not publicly known if they settled or avoided prosecution altogether. Various news outlets declared Coinye for dead. Kanye continued being Kanye (until he stopped and started being Ye), and Coinye continued existing, being ran by various users over the world. This makes Coinye not only one of the very first Parody alt-coins, but also a very interesting use case of the resillience of decentralized networks in the face of censorship and legal threats.